While managing a company’s business, the administrator has specific obligations under the law, e.g., respecting the limits of the empowerment, avoiding conflicts of interest, acting with competence and diligence, and other such commitments. No provision of the articles of...
The National Bank of Moldova announced on October 5, 2021, about the increase of the base rate applied to the main short-term monetary policy operations up to 5.5 percentage points. At the same time, the rate corridor was reduced...
Labor law explicitly states that the payment of salary through banking institutions is allowed only with the employee’s written consent. The employers pay the expenses incurred in connection with the salary payment through the banks. The salary is to...
Labor law categorically prohibits employers from imposing fines and other financial penalties for violating work discipline by employees. The employer has instead the right to apply to the employee the following disciplinary sanctions for violation of work discipline: a...
The modernized Сivil Сode clearly and explicitly states that while managing the company’s business, the administrator must act by choosing the path he/she considers best to achieve the goals of the legal person. The administrator, from a legal point...
A series of information for the third-party addresses must be mentioned in any document issued by a legal person from Moldova. The document issued by the legal person must indicate: Name of the legal person; State registration number; Tax...
One of the ways of acquiring and protecting the rights over a trademark is its registration under the law at the national office in the field of protection of intellectual property rights. The brand can represent any sign (visual,...
In Moldova, the control and evidence of organizations that process personal data is performed by the National Center for Personal Data Protection („Center”). Personal data must be understood as information about an individual – name, surname, personal identity number,...
On May 21, 2021, the so-called prevention law came into force. The law aims to emphasize the obligation of control bodies to provide advisory support to entrepreneurs to avoid violating the law. The control bodies will, in particular, have...
On 21 August 2021, the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation will enter into force. The Regulation sets out priority measures to prevent packaging waste production and reduce the final disposal of packaging waste through reuse, recycling, and recovery. The...